Microsoft Lists

Over the past couple of years, Microsoft has been rolling out Lists as its own app experience, as well as an app that integrates with Microsoft Teams. Let’s have a look at the history of lists, how you can utilise it and some hidden gems to enhance your experience!

The Background…

Microsoft Lists is a new and improved version of what we know and love – SharePoint lists. These have been around for a very long time as a way to organise data in an easy way (similar to an excel spreadsheet).  Some use cases include keeping track of inventory, key contacts, task management or issue logs.

SharePoint lists historically would be created in a specific SharePoint site and only accessible via that site.

Enter Microsoft Lists

Microsoft released “Microsoft Lists” as its own separate app in the app launcher in order to make lists more easily available and simpler for end users.

Clicking on the Lists app allows you to quickly manage all your lists in one place, regardless of which site they are stored in. On top of this, it also allows you to create your own personal lists that are stored in your OneDrive!

There’s also new options when you create a list:

  • Create from scratch

  • Create from an Excel spreadsheet

  • Create from an existing list

  • Create from a Microsoft Template

Once you have chosen your list, it then allows you to pick where to save it. “My Lists” will save it in your OneDrive, making it only available to you (unless you choose to share it). It will also allow you to save it to any Team site you are a member of. This will make the list available for all members of the team.

Additional features

1. Favourite a list
For the lists you work with the most, you can mark them as a favourite. This will make the list appear at the top of your Lists home page, making it quick and easy to get to

2.  Manage rules

In Microsoft Lists, you can add automations directly to your lists by adding “Rules”, such as receiving a notification when a new item is created in your list!

3. Adding your list in Microsoft Teams
You can access, share or create lists directly within the Microsoft Teams app, without leaving any ongoing meetings!

4. Mobile app

Microsoft Lists has its own app for creating, editing and sharing your lists on the go.

5. Colour code items

You can colour code items in your list based on categories, or get smart with conditional formatting.


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