What is the SharePoint App Bar?

Microsoft recently rolled out another new and exciting feature in SharePoint to enhance the global navigation experience for users – the SharePoint App Bar.

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It brings a consistent navigation no matter where you are in SharePoint - with quick access to important sites across the organisation as well as personally relevant sites, news and recent files. More importantly, users don’t need to leave the site they are in to access the information on the navigation bar!

The SharePoint App Bar has four features:

1. Home Icon – displays either the SharePoint start page or navigation links that can be configured by the SharePoint Administrator for a consistent navigation experience across the Teams and the browser.

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2. My Sites – Displays your frequently used sites and sites that you follow. This option gives you the ability to quickly switch between different sites.

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3. My News – displays personally relevant and recommended news from various sites in the organisation.

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4. My Files – an efficient way to access your recent files across all SharePoint sites.

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Things to note:

  • The specific tabs cannot be customised in the app bar

  • Only the global navigation and icon can be customised (If this is not configured, it will link to the SharePoint start page). I’ll cover how you can configure this in a separate blog soon!


Configure the Home Icon on the SharePoint App Bar


Maximise your efficiency with the Teams command bar