Maximise your efficiency with the Teams command bar

Many of us by now are familiar with Microsoft Teams, which is a fantastic tool for collaboration and communication. However as we increasingly aim to maximise our productivity during the working day, there may be one feature you’ve missed that can help boost your efficiency.

The command bar, located at the top of the Teams window provides shortcuts to a variety of commands and functions.

There’s a few ways to use the command bar:

  • Microsoft Teams Slash commands (/)
    By entering a slash into the command bar, you can see some of the most common commands available. As Microsoft continues to develop the command bar, more and more commands will be made available. You can see a regularly updated list of available commands here.

    This is a great way to quickly set your status to busy or away or to quickly open a specific Team or channel via to ‘goto’ command.

Teams slash.png
  • Microsoft Teams @ Commands
    ype in the @ command to find a specific person in your organisation, or type @app_name you can share info with your team, so long as admin has granted access to these apps.

  • Search
    By simply typing in the command bar, you can search information such as messages and documents.

For even more shortcuts, type  /keys into the command bar to bring up a full menu of available keyboard shortcuts in Teams.


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