SharePoint page anchors

What is a SharePoint page anchor?

A SharePoint anchor link allows you to link to a specific point on your SharePoint page. These are particularly useful on long pages with lots of content as they allow you to direct a user’s attention to exactly where you want as well as enabling them to quickly find what they need.

Anchor links can be used to reference a particular section of an existing page, saving users from having to scroll all the way through. As an example - table of contents on a page, where clicking on the link will take them straight to the relevant section.

How do I add an anchor link?

In SharePoint Online, anchor links are automatically added to H1, H2 and H3 level headings.

Once you have added your heading, hover over it and you will see a link symbol.

Right click the link icon and copy it – this is your anchor link. Typically, these look like:

You can now link to your anchor from anywhere else in your current page or another SharePoint page in the same way you would usually add links – e.g., adding quick link buttons or adding a hyperlink to some text.


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