Schedule feature in SharePoint on pages and news

Did you know you can schedule pages and news posts on SharePoint to be published on a future date? This feature is especially useful for news posts as this means that they will not show up in the news web part until their scheduled publish date.

Getting started

This feature must be enabled in two places:

Firstly – at the site level, and secondly – on the individual page or news post itself.

Site level

  • Navigate to your site contents and then click into your Site Pages library

  • Click on “Scheduling” in the top bar menu

  • Then on the pop up menu on the right hand side, toggle the “Enable Scheduling” option to “On”.

  • Page scheduling is now enabled for your site

Page or news post

Now back on your homepage, click the “New” drop down and then select either Page or News Post. Choose your template and then click Create.

  • Add your page content, then click Page Details on the top menu bar.

  • On the Page Details Pop up menu, toggle “Enable Scheduling” to on and then select the date and time you would like your page to be published.

  • You will now notice that the publish button at the top of the page has changed to “Schedule”. So when you’re ready, click the Schedule button.

  • Now if you navigate to your Site Pages library, you will notice your page is there with a calendar/clock icon next to it which means that it is scheduled, but not yet published.

  • If you check the version history, you will notice that the version is still a minor version. Once it is automatically published on the scheduled date, the version number will be updated to 1.0.


SharePoint page anchors


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