Change is the only constant

In today’s world, where people and businesses are becoming increasingly technology-focussed, the only constant is… change.

Every day, new and existing technologies are creating more and more opportunity for businesses to succeed. They can help to get and stay ahead of the competition, grow profits and help us all be more efficient. And although the unknown possibilities that come with change can sometimes be scary, we must all learn to quickly adapt and embrace change in order to be successful.

However, it’s only human to resist change. With any investment in new technology, we must change the way we work, which can often lead to disruption, disengagement and delays.

So how do we navigate through the ever-changing world of technology?

The key is Change Management.

It’s often said that organisations don’t fail; people do. That’s why managing changes in a structured and supported way towards a united goal is crucial. And it requires a detailed strategy to get there.

Planning and sponsorship

The first step is to understand the change from all angles. If you’re thinking about implementing new technologies within your business, then you probably already know why you need to change.

So this is the time to really be clear on what challenges the new technology will address, ensure it aligns with strategy, set your goals and understand the steps we need to take to get there.

Build Awareness

Next up is arguably the most important step – building awareness! Ensuring that everyone in the business is aware of what’s coming and WHY. Not only to generate excitement, but to take the opportunity to be really clear on the impacts it may have along the way.

Communication is key – not only from the change drivers, but in opening the channels of communication for everyone to feedback and have their say.

Training and Learning

Once we’ve created a buzz about the upcoming change, it’s time to offer some training, both to super users who will be an internal first point of contact for the new technology, as well as end users so that they know how to use it.

It’s also really important to know the audience and tailor the training accordingly.

Readiness and Adoption

Finally, this is the point where change officially takes place. The transition plan is put into action and by now everyone should have a complete understanding of how to fill their roles. During this stage of the change process, it’s important to track your goals, gather feedback and be transparent. And remember that people change at different paces, so don’t measure everyone in the same way.


Half the battle with any new technology is overcoming resistance. All too often, changes are made without considering those who will be most affected. By anticipating this and planning for it through transparency, training and opportunities to feedback, you can be sure that change will not only be successful, but embraced by all.


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