What tool should I be using?

With so many tools at our fingertips in the Microsoft 365 suite, you might have found yourself asking “what tool should I be using for what purpose?”

Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive all enable users to manage and collaborate on documents, however their subtle differences and unique features make them ideal for different purposes.  


This is your stuff

Think of it as the equivalent of your work desk – you can have notes, to do lists and anything else that’s locked down to you.

Within OneDrive you can “bookmark” your favourite Teams and SharePoint documents by syncing these for easy access.

It’s best to store all of your personal work documents here rather than your computer desktop. If you ever have computer issues, it means you can access your files from anywhere. Crisis averted!

One person working on documents.

Can be shared with 1 or 2 others via a link.


This is your team’s stuff

This is where you can collaborate with others on documents. Whether it’s a project team, department team or even teams that include external users. 

Think of Microsoft Teams as the equivalent of a team sat around a meeting table and collaborating on a piece of work or a project.

Multiple users collaborating and working on documents

Shared with 3 - 15 within a Team or Channel

This is your company-wide stuff

SharePoint is ideal for documents that need to be accessed by a large group of users or the entire company. These would generally be documents such as forms, policies or templates.

Large group needing access to documents


Why you shouldn’t lift and shift to SharePoint


Turn on Approvals for your SharePoint pages